Graj korespondencyjnie - zaproszenie na turniej
Dear chessfriend!
It is my very pleasure to invite to DESC's corr.-chess team-tournament herewith.
We would love to comfort your players in our cost-free tournament. Of course, you can register more than one team if you like to do so.
It there is any question left, please don't hesitate to ask me.
So, this is our invitation:
DESC (German Email Correspondence Chess Club) would like to invite you and your team (4 players) herewith to DESC's 14h team correspondence chess tournament.
This tournament is absolutely cost-free.
You and all your friends will be welcome!
For more details look here: niere/vm/2013/tender_mop_2013. php
There you can download all these informations in a printing format, too.
Please submit your registration by March 19th the latest by email: >>, including the following information:
1. Name of your team
2. your organizations name (i.e. IECG, IECC etc.)
3. name, family name, e.mail-address of all 4 players
4. team's lineup, 1. - 4.
5. team captain's name, family name, and e.mail-address (!)
The reflection time is going to be: 30 days per 10 moves.
The tournament will start on April 1st 2013.
We are looking forward to your registration!
Best regards
It is my very pleasure to invite to DESC's corr.-chess team-tournament herewith.
We would love to comfort your players in our cost-free tournament. Of course, you can register more than one team if you like to do so.
It there is any question left, please don't hesitate to ask me.
So, this is our invitation:
DESC (German Email Correspondence Chess Club) would like to invite you and your team (4 players) herewith to DESC's 14h team correspondence chess tournament.
This tournament is absolutely cost-free.
You and all your friends will be welcome!
For more details look here:
There you can download all these informations in a printing format, too.
Please submit your registration by March 19th the latest by email: >>, including the following information:
1. Name of your team
2. your organizations name (i.e. IECG, IECC etc.)
3. name, family name, e.mail-address of all 4 players
4. team's lineup, 1. - 4.
5. team captain's name, family name, and e.mail-address (!)
The reflection time is going to be: 30 days per 10 moves.
The tournament will start on April 1st 2013.
We are looking forward to your registration!
Best regards
z tego co się orientuję jest to gra za pomocą poczty e-mail, nie server
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